Become a Partner

Our partnerships have helped us to transform the lives of thousands of young people and women, and will help us transform the lives of thousands more. Our work is stronger thanks to the partnerships we create between local communities and the public, private, and civil sectors. Our partners provide us with the critical resources, including funding, business and industry knowledge, and the local support we need to reach the most marginalised communities.

Here are three DOT projects currently in need of funding and partnership:


Young girls are at a higher risk of high-school dropout among marginalised communities, preventing them and their communities from reaching their full economic, social and political potential. DOT Lebanon and partners will work together to support 1,500 Syrian refugees and Lebanese girls aged 12-19 in Lebanon’s Bekaa and Northern regions. Using safe-learning spaces, these girls will be given the practical, hands-on digital skills training, mentorship and coaching they need to pursue careers in the arts, technology and science.



DOT UK looks forward to working with UK partners to test and pilot DOT’s youth leadership approach and programming within young refugee and host communities. DOT UK has an ambitious 2 year plan to understand needs through research, campaign on the potential of their contribution, co-design and implement the pilot. Digital Champions will be mobilised and trained within communities to deliver DOTs programming. Each reaching over 100 other youth over a year, putting in practice a robust and sustainable multiplier effect as further Digital Champions are empowered within communities. DOT UK draws on the network expertise of working with refugees in Lebanon, Jordan, Rwanda and Ethiopia.


In July 2022, DOT UK worked with YES Africa, alongside the Rangoonwala Foundation, who over 2 weeks brought communities together from Serrekunda (near the capital Banjul) and Penyem (central to seven villages) for a two week youth engagement program, ‘Inspire Back Home”. The project centered around the critical problem of youth migration to Europe. YES Africa is building on insights from this project to define its work and further understand the digital skills required for technology jobs and the social innovation that will transform communities and grow opportunities for youth.


We are grateful for our partners’ support in helping us create opportunities and transform communities.



Our Partners:

  • Demonstrate commitment to corporate social responsibility
  • Create opportunities for social good, economic change, and community development that are locally defined and responsive to changing community, country and global needs
  • Are a part of a movement with lasting, sustained impact


To join a dynamic and growing partner ecosystem of public, private, and community-based organisations, please get in touch:

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