
DOT UK promotes digital skills for displaced young people in the UK.

DOT UK’s vision is to equip youth with a pathway to sustainable livelihoods in the digital ecosystem. We hope to create a country where no displaced young person has barriers to the opportunity of digital and technology to improve their life chances, securing decent work in an inclusive digital economy. We aim to provide meaningful and scalable digital skills, advocacy, apprenticeships and research with displaced youth so they can realise their potential in the digital, remote work and entrepreneurship ecosystem.

Funding partners

DOT UK welcomes the following partnerships in the UK and Europe:

Young people who are leaders, community-driven and innovators who want to connect with a global network of other youth through #DOTYouth

Like-minded foundations, INGOs and community-based organisations who value youth-led, inclusive community development and the power of digital technology
Governments seeking to address global challenges

Corporations interested in employee development, customer engagement and community development.

Community partners

For more details on becoming a DOT UK partner, please visit the Become a Partner section of our website.